Friday, October 10, 2008

Register and Vote on Proposition 8

The following are 5 Simple steps to vote by mail in the California general elections.

  1. Read flyer on Proposition 8 (changing the world).
  2. If you are not registered to vote click here and follow the instructions to register to vote (be sure to register as soon as possible) .
  3. Print request for absentee ballot worksheet (absentee ballot).
  4. Fill out request for absentee ballot and mail to your county elections office (click here for addresses) by October 10th.
  5. Receive absentee ballot in about 2 weeks, fill it out, and mail it back to your county elections office by October 28th.

Please forward this information and files to all of your friends so we can work together to protect Marriage, Families, Children and our Liberties. Every vote matters...YES ON PROP 8!

E-mail us:

Please also visit these other sites: | | |